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How to add Facebook Send button to every post Multiple pages

Facebook has introduced a new sharing tool – the Send button. The Send button allows your readers to privately share things with groups and individuals. It enables them to:

Facebook Send button 1
  1. Share your post with selected friends through Facebook Messages.
  2. Post it to Facebook Groups.
  3. Email it (without snippet) to individuals.

Facebook send dialog

The are two notable characteristics of the Send button:

  • Auto suggestion -it auto-suggests friends and groups, so you don’t have to memorize friends’ and groups’ names.
  • Privacy -what you send to a friend or email will not appear on your friend’s newsfeed or your wall. (What you post to a group on the other hand will appear).

This tutorial will show you how to add a Facebook Send button to each blog post in Blogger.

I. Installing a standalone Send button

facebook send button

  1. Go to Dashboard > Design > Edit HTML.
  2. Back up your template.
  3. Tick the Expand Widget Templates check box on top right of the HTML window.
  4. Find the following code in your HTML (this is the code for your post content):
  5. Paste the following XFBML code right below that line:
    2<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'>
    3<div style='float:left;padding:5px 5px 5px 0;'>
    4<script src='' type='text/javascript'>script><fb:send expr:href='data:post.url' font='' colorscheme='light'>fb:send>
  6. Preview, you should see the button appear in each post.
  7. Click Save if you like what you see.

II. Installing a Like + Send button

facebook like plus send button

Go through similar steps as in section I but replace the code in step 5 with the following code:

2<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'>
3<div style='float:left;padding:5px 5px 5px 0;'>
4<script src='' type='text/javascript'>script><fb:like expr:href='data:post.url' font='' layout='standard' send='true' show_faces='false' width='450' colorscheme='light'>fb:like>

III. Adding Send button to existing Like button

If you already have a Like button installed, just replace the existing code (it doesn’t matter if it is an iframe or a XFBML) with the following XFBML code.

<script src='' type='text/javascript'>script><fb:like expr:href='data:post.url' font='' layout='standard' send='true' show_faces='false' width='450' colorscheme='light'>fb:like>

IV. Configuring the buttons

Choose the type of button and set the appropriate width and height by changing the attribute values in line 4.

Like button type Attribute Value Width
standard like button layout standard


facebook like button count button_count


facebook like box count[5][1] box_count


standard like button recommend action recommend


standard like button dark colorscheme dark



font font name


Only two attributes are applicable to Send button –colorscheme and font.

V. Repositioning the buttons

The steps above positioned the button on bottom left of each post. You can change the position if you wish:

  • Position it on top of post
    Place the button code before , instead of after.
  • Position it on the right
    Change the float in line 3 from left to right.
  • To display the button on static pages, remove the conditional tag -code line 2 and 6.



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Meter Three wheeler (Tuk Tuk) in Sri Lanka, a robbery or a service? .

You will never understand how they cheat, you will charge at least 5% more. Meter 3wheel service is the latest trend of cheat. They are silent killers and if you doubt me. just check same distance up and down in 2 different meter taxis. It will show 2 different values. Think twice we are living in a Country call Sri Lanka. so will all drivers act true and fair ? Experience talks. You can't bargain with meter and it shows the value. Hahaha. Save your  money and emotions. good Luck...  Cheers. Note: Meter Tuk Tuk service is a scam. licensed Robbery. They do their own business with pasting a meter front of you... They are the master of the meter and they do operate & reset end of the day... Think Twice before show off...