Sources of Social Media Statistics:
1. Source: [roughly 52% based on table data] | 2010 U.S. 310,232,863 | 2010 World 6,814,609,654 | 30 and under: 3,548,760,268 / 6,814,609,654 = 52%
2. Babson Olin School of Business Advertisement, Fast Company April 2011, page 121. 40% of companies at top of fortune 500 rankings were no longer there in 2010
3. Source: Huffington Post
4. Source: Hitwise Intelligence Heather Dougherty
5. Michael J. Rosenfeld, Stanford University* and Reuben J. Thomas, The City College of New York; Meeting Online: The Rise of the Internet as a Social Intermediary,Page 46,; Via: Adam Gorlik, “Forget Cupid. Online connections have valentines falling in love, Stanford researcher says,” Stanford University News,;
1 out of 5 is also supported by Blog:
6. Tony Cooper, “One in Five U.S. Divorces Fueled by Facebook, Social Media, Recent survey by AAML shows Facebook-related antics, extramarital activity burgeoning,” San Diego News,
7. Opinion, not a statistic
8. Source: U.S. Department of Education Study
9. Facebook and world population data
10. Source: Jobvite Social Recruitment Survey
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