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Sanga Saga vs Money Minded SLC and CLt20

This is an short description about the #Sanga's controversy in my view. The topic taken on to the desk after the dramatic win of Kandurata team in Super 4s T20. It has held in a period of 7 days in Colombo to choose a domestic winner to participate in Champion League T20's.

Lahiru Thirimanne one of Sri Lanka's promising youngster lead his team to secure a slot at #CT20.

What is CLT20 ? 

It was made by Indians to imitate Europeans Soccer Champions league after IPL. CLT20 is an indian based money making entertaining event which is included 3 IPL teams, 2 South African teams and 2 from Australia and a West Indian team.  Rest of other two teams will decided via qualifier round.

Kumar Sangakkara among 10 others to choose one out of two team that was represent in advance to CLT20. Participating in CLT20 is not a national duty as everyone see,  its only  a club/franchise based tournament.

What Sri Lanka cricket done with the Sanga's issue is, used him as a tool to revenge. SLC had issues with all the senor players of SL team for their attitude against corrupted SLC governing body.

SLC officials used their 3rd eye (Chosen Media) to create speculations against the countries most impressed cricketer. The campaign goes hidden to tarnish his loyalty for the country.

"Well-placed comments have twisted this into a country versus money, which it is definitely not, because this is a franchise-based tournament where franchises play franchises. It was made out to sound like I was choosing money over country."

Finally Sanga came out from the hidden cave to give a statement regarding the speculations. He agree that the so called #CLT20 as just a piece of cake rather than counting it as a national duty. Its is all about a money making carnival who are representing their own clubs and franchises.

"I was quite upset that there were statements released by individuals in an official capacity, where my loyalty to the country was brought into question," 

Since SLC handle the national champion's they have created the buzz this as a national commitment. If the SLPL continue this year as earlier, this will be a different story and Kandurata Franchise will benefit Sanga's involvement to their team. At that point SLC won't pour their greedy hands into the scenario since they receive the sum of $500,000 for involvement of their champion team in CLT20.

At this point SLC tried to use the opportunity to tarnish the given players loyalty and the image among sports loving public.

Sanga originally has taken the decision to play for his IPL franchise since it is a long living investment rather than continuing Sri Lanka based franchise Kandurata Warriors in SLPL.

Finally he has taken a decision in favour of Sanga lovers to play for Kandurata Maroons, since he has to justify his loyalty front of the home crowd. His decision made worry for SLC since they have lost sum of $150,000 from Sunrisers Hyderabad franchise for  Sangas involvement.  The decision worth more than 18 million rupees for Sanga and he might lose the amount from his annual salary of Sunrisers.

He has sacrificed over 18 million Rupees to take down his administrators agenda and the opportunities for Sri Lankans in IPL in future will be under radar after the mass let down.

For any mankind profession is a business, and it evaluates according to the value of the service.

The problem sorted after SLC slammed by Sanga's 18 million rupee bundle of notes.

This is an interesting quote at last..........

"Since I got my first contract in 2003, I haven't taken any money to play for my club. I haven't taken any of the prize money from the domestic championships. I haven't taken any money to play in the provincials or any prize money. I've always redistributed that money either to the side, or in the case of my club, to the workers at the club, because I think as a matter of principle; because I hold a national contract, I shouldn't charge for playing first-class cricket in Sri Lanka. "

Conclusion - I'm not a big fan of Sanga, So I don't want to justify him and his decisions.  He should be respected for his service by officials.


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Meter Three wheeler (Tuk Tuk) in Sri Lanka, a robbery or a service? .

You will never understand how they cheat, you will charge at least 5% more. Meter 3wheel service is the latest trend of cheat. They are silent killers and if you doubt me. just check same distance up and down in 2 different meter taxis. It will show 2 different values. Think twice we are living in a Country call Sri Lanka. so will all drivers act true and fair ? Experience talks. You can't bargain with meter and it shows the value. Hahaha. Save your  money and emotions. good Luck...  Cheers. Note: Meter Tuk Tuk service is a scam. licensed Robbery. They do their own business with pasting a meter front of you... They are the master of the meter and they do operate & reset end of the day... Think Twice before show off...