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Facebook Fan page Count in Simple Text HTML

Step 1 – Get API Key, Application Secret & Page ID

These are the three mandatory information you’ll need to get things started.

API Key and Application Secret

  1. Sign in to your Facebook and click on Developer‘s link on the site bar. (If you don’t have a Developer’s account, you will have to sign up for one first)

    facebook developer link How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text

  2. Click "Set Up New Application". Enter any application name, agree to the Facebook terms and click "Create Application". Note: We are not going to create a real application, but we’ll need to go through these processes to get a API Key and Application Secret.
    create application How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text
  3. On the next page, you should be able to see your personal API Key and Application Secret. Copy it down somewhere or leave the browser window open.
    api key How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text

Page ID

Page ID is the ID of your Facebook Fan Page. If you don’t have a Facebook Fan page, you’ll have to first create one. To get the ID of your Fan page, click edit page, and look for your ID (numbers) at the end of the URL –

Step 2 – Get Facebook.php

You’ll also need the Facebook API PHP SDK file called Facebook.php. Download it, and place it in the root of your folder. Learn more about Facebook PHP SDK.

php sdk How to Display Facebook Fan Count in Text

Step 3 – Display Fancount

To show off your fancount, place the following code in your php file,



$facebook = new Facebook(array(

'appId' => 'app_id',

'secret' => 'secret_key',

'cookie' => true,


$result = $facebook->api(array(

'method' => 'fql.query',

'query' => 'select fan_count from page where page_id = page_id;'


$fb_fans = $result[0]['fan_count'];


Link to get codes

And then you will want to edit the codes to change the following:

Line 4 – Replace app_id with your Facebook Application ID.

Line 5 – Replace secret_key with Secret.

Line 10 – Replace the last page_id with your Facebook Fanpage ID.

<?php echo $fb_fans; ?>

Please refer to Step 1 on how to get app_id, secret_key and page_id.

To display the fancount, insert this following code anywhere in the page:


Source :



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Meter Three wheeler (Tuk Tuk) in Sri Lanka, a robbery or a service? .

You will never understand how they cheat, you will charge at least 5% more. Meter 3wheel service is the latest trend of cheat. They are silent killers and if you doubt me. just check same distance up and down in 2 different meter taxis. It will show 2 different values. Think twice we are living in a Country call Sri Lanka. so will all drivers act true and fair ? Experience talks. You can't bargain with meter and it shows the value. Hahaha. Save your  money and emotions. good Luck...  Cheers. Note: Meter Tuk Tuk service is a scam. licensed Robbery. They do their own business with pasting a meter front of you... They are the master of the meter and they do operate & reset end of the day... Think Twice before show off...