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What's Twitter and How to use - [My view] it increases followers

If you are a newbie for this Social Media platform following tips will keep you occupied on this efficiently.At the very beginning understand the purpose of the resource before put your hands in.

You can find hundred of guides around that explain you what's twitter and what should do on Twitter. (simple as that) But only few explains how to use it efficiently rather than a bin of waste. You will take quite a while to understand this thing soon after joining next to the facebook. It has no such fancy looking UI, which is messy.  It's simple as cucumber and cool, you get only one time line and the interaction tab to test interactions.

Here I explain few rules to memorize before your journey into this, its simple, Tweet as much, but don't bullshit. :D

Three simple theories and explanations with this platform,
Number 1 - Tweet a lot... but don't be a clown.
Number 2 - Follow people that you feel you really need, (useful, interactive, bla bla... )
Number 3 - Reply for interaction - Nobody like to be neglected.

What to Tweet ? 

As a NEWBIE, You will probably think what on earth I have to Tweet. ? Some of other think that they need every shit to be shared with their fans. Some others will post nothing important for others but for them. Beware, you are dealing with multiple mindsets.

If you feel that you have lot to share, let them flow, but dont mess others Timeline, Help others by sharing stuff at the same time let them to live alone.

New stuff that made you wow, made you laugh, or inspired, just share with others. You are free to share information. Social Media platform's created for that reason.

If you are a valuable informant or influenser, then you will get numbers, followers.


Twitter allows you to blog, write stuff in brief and share at the same time with the public, its limited 140 characters only. Twitter forcing you to summarize your information which is very essential to float on the fly.

Whom to follow and How to follow 

Its important to know the value of a follower, number of followers won't make any sense. If you're new to the game, you should select whom to follow and the importance of the follower. Find people who are tweeting interesting information which are related to you, you interested, you looking for. Thats how rest of the world following you. (Not in Sri Lanka and in many other countries)

Search for interesting quotes and enjoy those tweeps sharings and understand the game. (How to search)

You have enough time to follow people, but you will get frustrated if you do it Soon After the joining.

Twitter is a place that socializing people professionally and personally follow both footsteps.

Talk something interesting that you went through today, let them to have enough time to get it. The way will guide others to feel how beneficial you to get followed..

BTW you don't need to follow everyone follows you, but just go through their tweets and find out whether he or she should be remained unfollowed.

Be a useful twitter user to get more important followers. 

Happy Tweeting ...

Stay Tune for another part of this piece of writing..


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Meter Three wheeler (Tuk Tuk) in Sri Lanka, a robbery or a service? .

You will never understand how they cheat, you will charge at least 5% more. Meter 3wheel service is the latest trend of cheat. They are silent killers and if you doubt me. just check same distance up and down in 2 different meter taxis. It will show 2 different values. Think twice we are living in a Country call Sri Lanka. so will all drivers act true and fair ? Experience talks. You can't bargain with meter and it shows the value. Hahaha. Save your  money and emotions. good Luck...  Cheers. Note: Meter Tuk Tuk service is a scam. licensed Robbery. They do their own business with pasting a meter front of you... They are the master of the meter and they do operate & reset end of the day... Think Twice before show off...